JLTAV Regional Support Scheme Application
Please note: This request for funding should be submitted to JLTAV at least 6 weeks prior to the event taking place in order to ensure sufficient time to advertise and organise the event. On approval of funding, invoices to be forwarded to JLTAV (jltav@jltav.org.au) for payment prior to the event taking place. Receipts to be reimbursed may be forwarded either before or after the event, accompanied by a reimbursement request form.
Anticipated Costs
- Participants should not be charged for any costs that are covered by this funding.
- Should more information be necessary please add this after the dollar figure or estimate.
- Invoices must have the name and date of the event on them.
- No reimbursement without original receipts, accompanied by a Regional Support Scheme
- Reimbursement Request Form (on the JLTAV website) to be sent to the JLTAV office.
- Please collate all receipts to one Reimbursement Request Form.