

The Japanese Language Teachers Association of Victoria, Inc. (JLTAV) is a professional association for Japanese language teachers in Victoria.

Membership of the Association provides access to high quality teacher professional learning, and student events that engage students in Japanese language studies.

The JLTAV Committee is made up entirely of volunteer teachers who work for the promotion and improvement of Japanese language teaching in Victoria. It does this by providing professional development for teachers and learning opportunities for students.

Interested teachers are also invited to join the Committee if they wish to contribute to our work. Together, we can make language teaching better for us all.

JLTAV Committee 2024-2025

JLTAV Committee

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Nathan Lane




St Mary Mackillop College

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Jessica Winstone


Vice President


Fairhills High School

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Shu Ohki




The University of Melbourne

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Katelyn Hurley




Fyans Park Primary School

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Jane Liauw


Committee Member


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Arina Mizuno


Committee Member


Victorian School of Languages

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Karli Mynott


Committee Member


Kardinia International College

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Vicki Oki


Committee Member


Sunbury College

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Sonia Morison


Committee Member


Emerald Primary School

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Masahiro Yamazaki


Committee Member


Mount Waverley Heights Primary School

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Masae Uekusa


Committee Member


Tecoma Primary School

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Sumiko Ranjitkumar


Committee Member


Oakleigh South Primary School

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Pippa Murray


Committee Member


St Michael’s Primary School North Melbourne

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Ebony Braune


Committee Member


Bayview College

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Celeste Scott


Committee Member


Mt. Duneed Regional Primary School 

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Junko Nichols


Permanent Observer


Monash Japanese Language Education Centre

History Of The JLTAV

The Japanese Language Teachers Association of Victoria was founded in 1972. About 20 people, being probably almost all the secondary and tertiary Japanese language teachers in Victoria at the time, plus at least one high school principal and one official from the DSE (the Directorate of School Education, currently the Department of Education and Training) got together and decided to form an association. The initial committee had about 6-7 members, and committee meetings were held in private homes, schools and universities.

Some years later, the Victorian government decided to formally introduce Japanese language education to high schools, and the JLTAV worked together to formulate the high school Japanese language curriculum.

In the 1980s, the federal and state governments began to allow funding for the establishment of foreign language education in schools. At that time, the Japanese economy was growing at a rate that seemed unstoppable, and as a result, many high schools began Japanese language programmes. Japanese became the most commonly taught language in Victorian schools, and as a result, the JLTAV Committee grew and its network strengthened. The JLTAV was registered as an incorporated association in 1992.

Through the 1980s, most teachers in the committee were high school teachers, but from Lynn Gourlay’s presidency (1989-1991) and onwards, the number of primary school teachers increased dramatically. This coincided with the formal introduction of Japanese language instruction to primary schools. All of the Presidents from 1998 to 2012 were, in fact, primary school teachers. However, Lois Booth (President 2011-2012) pushed to recruit more high school teachers to restore a balance and help serve teachers at both levels.

For many years, the JLTAV ran a segment of the MLTAV (Modern Language Teachers’ Association of Victoria) Annual Conference, especially under the guidance of Les Mullins and Megan McLaughlin. In 2003, Sue Hodgson (President 2001-2003) and Pam Spiegel (President 2004-2006) started the annual jLTAV Statewide Conference in its current format, in order to support teachers’ professional learning.

In 2007, the first JLTAV website was launched by incumbent President Naoko Nishikawa and the committee, with the support of a grant from the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) in Victoria, and the MLTAV (Modern Language Teachers’ Association of Victoria).

Today, the JLTAV remains one of the largest single language associations of teachers in Australia. The JLTAV runs many events throughout the year for teachers and students, as well as competitions for students. The website was relaunched in early 2016.

Text by William Blakeley. Based on memory, hearsay and reasonable guesses by Hiroshi Honda, President 1994-1995 and Committee Member 1987-2004, 2009-present.

If you have any information about our history, or anything you’d like to contribute to this page, please click here to email us.

About Us Past President Image

Past Presidents

Past Presidents

Sue Gilbert (nee Wilson) 1972-1974

? 1975-1979

Helen Marriott 1980-1981

Helen Patton (dec.) 1982-1983

Lynn Gourlay (dec.) 1984

Helen Lunn 1985

Megan McLaughlin 1986-1988

Lynn Gourlay (dec.) 1989-1991

Jacqui Back 1992

Debbie Dunn 1993

Hiroshi Honda 1994-1995

Sarah Francis 1996-1997

Ann Eagles 1998-2000

Sue Hodgson (dec.) 2001-2003

Pam Spiegel 2004-2006

Naoko Nishikawa 2007-2010

Lois Booth 2011-2012

Nathan Lane 2013-present

Many thanks to Hiroshi Honda for compiling this list, made in preparation for our 40th Anniversary Celebration in 2012. Hiroshi amended it through further inquiry in 2016.

If you have any information about our history, or anything you’d like to contribute to this page, please click here to email us

Life Members

Life members are chosen for making an outstanding contribution to
Japanese language teaching in Victoria over an extended period, that has significantly influenced the pattern and/or quality of Japanese language teaching and learning in Victoria.

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Sue Gilbert (nee Wilson)

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Mioko Wood (dec.)

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Ruben Ketchell

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Lillias O'Dea (dec.)

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Sue Burnham (dec.)

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Pam Spiegel

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Anne de Kretser

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Jan Chalmer

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Hiroshi Honda

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Julie Devine

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Kathleen Duquemin

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Yuichi Deguchi

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Takanori Hayakawa

Life Members image

Japanese Language Teachers' Association of Victoria Inc. Life Membership Criteria


  • Outstanding contribution to Japanese language teaching in Victoria over an extended period, that has significantly influenced the pattern and/or quality of Japanese language teaching and learning in Victoria.
  • In recognition of active and ongoing involvement in the work of the Japanese Language Teachers’ Association of Victoria Inc. (JLTAV) or actively supporting the work of the JLTAV Inc.


  • Nominations to be raised by JLTAV Inc. committee members (or brought to the attention of the committee, in writing by an ordinary member) and discussed and unanimously voted for at a committee meeting.
  • The recipient will be notified in writing. A presentation of this award will be made at the following Annual General Meeting.
  • The Life Member’s contact details to be put on an official list at the JLTAV Inc. Office.


  • Life Members will not be required to pay the yearly membership fee for the JLTAV Inc. from the time of becoming a Life Member.
  • At the discretion of the committee Life Members may be invited to any JLTAV Inc. activities at no cost.